Terms of service
Terms and Conditions
This contract is entered into with The Rib Club Global Limited (“Rib Club”), Company Number 8709976 the provider of all services hereby contracted for.
All details completed by the client on the standard Booking Form must be factual and proof may be required to substantiate any declaration made. We reserve the right to cancel any membership without compensation should a false declaration be made.
Post 2022 Memberships: No limit to the maximum times members can take the boat out, however to maintain fair and optimum usage for all members there is a booking procedure in place.
Unlimited total bookings
Main location boating
Access to 7m and 9m RIBs
1 Planned Reservation at a time
4-day Last Chance Reservation window
Preferential Weekend Availability
Priority Early Return Reservations
Access to Local Member Events
Unlimited total bookings
Boating in all RIB Club Locations
Access to 7m and 9m RIBs
4 Planned Reservations at a time
2-day Last Chance Reservation window
Early Return Reservations
Access to Member Events in all locations
Unlimited total bookings
Boating in all RIB Club Locations
Access to the exclusive 12m RIBs
Access to 9m and 7m RIBs
4 Planned Reservations at a time
3-day Last Chance Reservation window
Early Return Reservations
Access to Gold Member Events in all locations
Pre 2022 Memberships: No limit to the maximum times members can take the boat out, however to maintain fair and optimum usage for all members there is a booking procedure in place. All members, have unlimited spot bookings, unlimited early-bird bookings (bookings made that day for when a boat is returned to port) and can have a maximum of rolling forward-booked days at one time which is specified in the package they have purchased. A rolling booking means you have to use one before you can book another. Members also still have their unlimited spot bookings and early-bird bookings even in high season– so there is even more options to get out on the water! Packages:
Local (9m + 12m)
Unlimited amount of total bookings*
1 Rolling Forward booking
Unlimited Same Day Spot bookings and Early Birds
Usage of boat in main location
*subject to fair usage
Discovery (9m + 12m)
Unlimited amount of total bookings*
2 Rolling Forward booking
Unlimited Spot bookings (within 48 hours) and Early Birds
Usage of boat in main location
*subject to fair usage
2. Bronze (9m + 12m)
4 Rolling Forward bookings at any one time with a maximum of 2 in one month at a time
Unlimited Spot bookings and Early Birds
Usage of boats around Europe*
3. Silver (9m + 12m)
4 Rolling Forward bookings at any one time with a maximum of 3 in one month at a time
Unlimited Spot bookings and Early Birds
Usage of boats around Europe*
4. Gold (9m + 12m)
5 Rolling Forward bookings at any one time
Unlimited Spot bookings and Early Birds
Usage of boats around Europe*
*subject to fair usage
Menorca 7m Local
Unlimited amount of total bookings*
1 Rolling Forward booking
Unlimited Spot bookings and Early Birds
Usage of boat in main location`
Refueling service is €100 + fuel used
*subject to fair usage
By a member taking the boat off the mooring, they confirm that the propeller of the engine is in perfect working order, and the member will be held liable for a new propeller / engine if damaged, this is not covered by any insurance option.
Forward bookings / Planned Reservations can be two days back to back except for Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend. You can have no more than two weekend day (saturday/sunday) forward-booking dates in one month. Spot bookings do not apply to these rules. For times of bookings please see point 30.
Rib Club’s boats (“RIB”) will have fuel in prior to the member embarking. The tank will be between full and half full. Fuel service is done by RIB Club however the fuel cost is to the member of what they use on their day out. Members must record how much fuel they have used – you will be shown how to do this in your induction. Fuel is then paid by the member through GoCardless. Menorca Membership has a €100 refuel service charge.
Memberships must be paid in full before using the boats. Fuel bills must also be paid back in full before using the boats again. Any payments that are owed will require instant transfer or payment via GoCardless (Which the member set up for owed bills), GoCardless will also email the member telling them that a payment owed has been requested and will be taken by this service. The member is able to stop this payment from the service this way by the email reminders sent by the platform. Memberships are paused until money owed is paid in full.
The most important request is for Members to treat the RIBs like they are their own. As we would say “Consider it yours” and to leave them how they would like to find them.
All Members are required to wash the RIB down and follow check out on the app, ready for the next member.
A member can only take a boat when they have a confirmed booking in their name in the app. without this it is classed as a criminal offence of stealing and also heavily disrupts club procedures and can ruin other members days. RIB Club reserve the right to cancel any members membership for taking a boat they did not book.
When leaving the boat at the end of the day all Members are required to leave the onboard toilet clean and are also required to ensure that the RIB’s water tank is filled with fresh water.
All Members are required to carry a valid license and Rib Club contract with them at all times whilst on the RIBs. Failure to bring your license with you and show it when requested could result in your day being cancelled with no compensation or in trouble with the local Guardia which is out of our control.
It is a members responsibility to make sure they have the correct certification to skipper Rib Club Vessels in each location. They also take responsibility for any fine acquired while out on the water and on a RIB CLUB vessel.
Each member agrees to give 60 days notice in writing if they decide they would like to leave the club. The minimum contract term is 12 months. Membership Payment is always the same date every year, For example, if for some reason you are awarded an additional month, your renewal payment date would still be on the 12th month anniversary not the 13th month, when you are planning to renew for another year. Any additional months are given at the Local Membership rate.
Insurance / Deposit options: A Member must choose between a deposit or annual cover option
Post Jan 11th 2022 Memberships
Members agree to deposit a €500 (Resident/Choice) / €100 (Gold) security deposit. With this option a Member will be liable in full for any damage or loss to a maximum of €5,000 (7m/9m) / €10,000 (12m) as a result of negligence and/or misconduct of as a result of a breach of any of these Terms and Conditions. This will include damages to the hull, tubes, exterior and interior of the boat. This will be refunded on leaving Rib Club in line with these terms and conditions and the two months’ notice given in writing. For avoidance of doubt a member has to notify in writing the wish to leave 2 months prior to their renewal date. Minimum charge is €50, please see examples of charges below.
If a member would prefer, rather than giving a deposit a member can have RIB Club annual Cover for €600 (Resident/Choice) / €1200 (Gold) per year which is non-refundable but a member would only pay up to €750 (7m/9m) / €1,750 (12m) excess towards accidental damages or loss that may occur to the RIB while it is in their care. his will include damages to the hull, tubes, exterior and interior of the boat. It does not cover third parties or the member and guests on board, damage due to negligence or ignorance (e.g. drink driving, driving in bad weather) Minimum charge is €50, please see examples of charges below.
Pre Jan 11th 2022
Members agree to deposit a €500 (7m/9m) / €1300 (12m) security deposit. With this option a Member will be liable in full for any damage or loss to a maximum of €5,000 (7m/9m) / €10,000 (12m) as a result of negligence and/or misconduct of as a result of a breach of any of these Terms and Conditions. This will include damages to the hull, tubes, exterior and interior of the boat. This will be refunded on leaving Rib Club in line with these terms and conditions and the two months’ notice given in writing. For avoidance of doubt a member has to notify in writing the wish to leave 2 months prior to their renewal date.
If a member would prefer, rather than giving a deposit a member can have RIB Club annual Cover for €600 (7m/9m) / €900 (12m) per year which is non-refundable but a member would only pay up to €1000 (7m/9m) / €2,500 (12m) excess towards accidental damages or loss that may occur to the RIB while it is in their care. his will include damages to the hull, tubes, exterior and interior of the boat. It does not cover third parties or the member and guests on board, damage due to negligence or ignorance (e.g. drink driving, driving in bad weather) Minimum charge is €50, please see examples of charges below
In the result of no option being taken the member on board is liable for ALL damage they cause
Any member under the age of 25 has a liability excess of €10,000 (9m ribs) and €20,000 (12m) with the RIB Club Damage Cover and Deposit. It does not cover third parties or the member and guests on board or damage due to negligence or ignorance.
All ts and cs apply to all insurance and deposit options
Charge list for Cover and Deposit options if the damage / accident is from the fault of the member/members guests :
Minimum charge to all damages: is €50 due to office and admin work
Lost Cushion: Minimum charge €250
Damaged propeller (and gearbox from propeller damage) will be charged at full and is not covered by any deposit /insurance option
Gel coat fix: Minimum charge: €50
Leaving waste in the toilet: €150
Blocking a toilet: Minimum charge €250
Breaking Fixtures on the boat: Minimum charge €150
Loss or breakage of Anchor / Chain: Minimum charge of €150
Popped Tube: Minimum Charge €500
Damaged fin: Minimum charge €250
Damaged Engine: Minimum charge €600
Lost keys / kill cord: Minimum charge €350
Cleaning fee if the boat is left in an unacceptable state: Minimum €150
Smoking on board and leaving fag ash / butts: Minimum €250
Any other damage will be looked at and assed with a minimum charge of €50
Correction meeting: €50
Ref ts and cs Point 4. By a member taking the boat off the mooring, they confirm that the propeller of the engine is in perfect working order, and the member will be held liable for a new propeller / engine if damaged, this is not covered by any insurance option.
When booked to use a RIB, the Member is responsible for the RIB at all times. A member who allows or has knowledge of a non–member using a RIB will be expelled immediately and may be liable for prosecution.
12 Adult life jackets are on board each boat as the legal requirement. If you require children’s life jackets we heavily request that it is best and safest for the member to supply the children with their own life jackets . However if you need to request them from RIB Club, please do let us know at least 24 hours in advance as we need to bring these to the boats for you and we have a limited amount. Each boat has 2 small child life jackets on for emergencies however we strongly recommend the member purchasing their own kids life jackets.
The kill cord must be worn at all times in the correct manor (around the thigh) by the skipper (member) while the boat is in motion or the engine is on. This is one of the most important safety features of the boat!
Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time.
No reckless or careless driving will be tolerated and any breach of local laws or any guidelines laid down by the representative of Rib Club may result in the termination of the use of the RIB for the remaining period of the membership. No compensation or refund will be made or considered. Any fine/prosecution to the member or if received by the company due to actions of the member, while the RIB is in the responsibility of the member is for the member to settle.
All non-fixed bimini cover must be furled prior to the RIB setting in motion. Use of the bimini while in motion will be entirely at the Member’s own risk. Any loss or damage to the bimini will be charged to the member.
A member agrees to check the weather and sea state before heading out and will not head out if it is deemed unsafe (too windy, raining, high waves or low visibility). If they (the member) does head out - it is at their own risk and all RIB Club Insurance is Void.
If a RIB CLUB vessel is out of service the day of your booking we will endeavour to provide an alternative RIB CLUB boat however if not possible you will have the ability to book an additional day.
Force Majeure. RIB Club shall not be liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of this agreement for the period that such failure or delay is beyond the reasonable control of a party.
RIB Club cannot be held accountable for disruptions to members days out due to:
Damage to boats caused by other members (meaning the boat is consequently unavailable)
Disruption caused by another member e.g. members taking a different boat by accident or arriving back later than scheduled
Emergency Health and Safety issues with the boats that could not reasonably have been foreseen or provided against
Laws of governing body in selected area preventing members from heading out
Whilst the RIBs have allocated moorings available for them free of charge, the boats may be moored in other locations. All RIBs must, however, be placed on their allocated mooring at the end of the Member’s day. At no time during the hours of darkness are the boats to be under way or anchored off at any location, apart from the allocated Rib Club berths. Failure to adhere to this stipulation voids our insurance and your membership. Should this not be possible through mechanical failure or inclement weather conditions, telephone contact must be made to inform Rib Club and to allow them to take necessary remedial action. This is also subject to special pre-approved plans (by the director of RIB CLUB) in writing, at least one week before trip takes place. It is advisable for members to give us a full itinerary of their planned day.
Any watersports or fishing activities are taken at the members own risk and responsibility. Any prosecutions with the law or injuries are not the responsibility of RIB Club.
Rib Club reserves the right to move RIBs around the various moorings and locations as they see fit.
RIB Club Group Insurance covers accidents to third party boats, people on third party boats, and the RIB Club vessel. It does not cover members and members guests on board regarding personal injury, this also includes when towing an object or guest for watersports. Members must have their own personal health or travel insurance insurance to cover themselves. Members agree to have read the terms and conditions of the insurance policy where you will find a full copy each RIB CLUB vessels.
Rib Club reserves the right to terminate a membership at any time during the membership period.
Rib Club cannot be held responsible for the actions of third parties whilst a Member is using a RIB.
Smoking is not permitted on any of our boats. If caught there is a charge of €250.
The consumption of Alcohol and Drugs is strictly forbidden by anyone in charge or skippering a RIB CLUB vessel.
Any disputes will primarily be dealt with under the jurisdiction of the English Courts and where appropriate under the local law.
A member is the sole person that enters into the contract with RIB Club and this can not be shared with any other person or family member. The RIB Club Member must be on the boat at all times. Insurance is void if a person who is not a member takes the boat out and is illegal. Any fines occurred this way will be of your own liability.
We have 4 times a day you can book a boat. AM booking: 10AM -2PM, PM booking: 2:30PM – Sunset, All Day: 10am – Sunset (Day bookings must start prior 11am), or Early Bird: when a boat is returned early from a day out and is offered to other members as a spontaneous booking, this is also until sunset. If you wish to use the boat earlier than 10am please do let the RIB Club Operations team know at least 24 hours in advance.
Same Family Skipper must live at the same address as the member to be able to be applicable for the option. The main member still takes the ultimate responsibility for the Same Family Skipper. Same Family skipper must be over 25 if not the liability of €10,000 euros applies (9m). All SFS must take out their own RIB Club Damage Insurance or Deposit option.
We will send correspondence and updates by email. It is your responsibility to read them to make sure you understand any changes or updates.
Any restrictions and rules regarding to Covid-19, State of Emergency and general local jurisdiction is up to the member to stay up to date with and follow. It is not the RIB Clubs responsibility to inform you of all rules in the area you are boating. RIB Club cannot be liable for any covid restrictions put on the boats and cannot offer extensions to members.
Please always check weather before heading out and only go out if you feel absolutely comfortable and safe with the conditions, RIB Club cannot be held accountable for the weather or choose if you should go out. However should the representative of the Rib Club, who is extremely experienced and has a great deal of local knowledge, make the decision not to allow the boats to leave the moorings on a particular day, his decision is final and absolute. Another day can be booked immediately.
Despite the necessary Terms and Conditions, we hope that you make full use of your Rib Club Membership but we cannot be held responsible for weather conditions.
Returns, Refunds & Cancellations
Upon joining or rejoining, Members have 7 days to cancel their Membership, unless they have already made use of the RIB in which case membership is non-refundable.
All memberships renew automatically on the anniversary of joining. Cancellation needs to be in writing and with 60 days’ notice.